How To Flash Sonoff Swith
Compatible Devices
This Software is currently tested on: Sonoff 3CH
Installation Instructions
Flash the Sonoff
Unplug your Sonoff from the power line
Connect your Sonoff to a serial adapter TTL FT232, connect GND to GPIO 0 and Connect TTL FT232 to USB port on your computer.
Run the ESP8266Flasher.exe Config as image below and Click Flash button.
5. Flash success. Connect Sonoff to power.
Flash the Sonoff 1CH
Unplug your Sonoff from the power line
TRUNG TÂM SỬA CHỮA ĐIỆN TỬ QUẢNG BÌNHMR. XÔ - 0901.679.359 - 80 Võ Thị Sáu, Phường Quảng Thuận, tx Ba Đồn, tỉnh Quảng Bình
Run the ESP8266Flasher.exe Config as image below and Click Flash button.
Connect your Sonoff to a serial adapter TTL FT232, hold down Setting Switch button and Connect TTL FT232 to USB port on your computer. Unpress Switch button after 3s.
Add Sonoff to Home app
- Connect your iPhone or iPad to the new wifi network Sonoff-xxxxxx
- If not found Sonoff-xxxxxx then hold down setting switch 10s to reset and try again.
- Wait for the Apple Captive Portal and select your WiFi network
- Choose and insert your WiFi Password and click Join button (Sonoff and Mobile must connect same wifi)
- Open the Home app
- Click the + symbol
- Click I don’t have the code…
- Select the Sonoff-xxxxxxxxxx Switch
- If the Sonoff-xxxxxxxxxx does not appear on top of the page try to press the sonoff button a 10s, kill the Home App and try from step 4.
- Confirm that you want to add the Sonoff
- Insert the Password that is 12345678 or comment your devices with mac address string, i will reply your comment with correct password.